To Baby Savannah,

I loved you from the second I laid eyes on you. You were so tiny and precious, more perfect than I could've ever imagined! I was speechless and my heart was so full. God knew my heart needed you...a special gift from heaven above.

Giving birth to you was a dream come true. I finally found my purpose in life...being the best mother to you. Motherhood to me is: my life, my joy, my passion, my greatest achievement. You are my definition of true happiness. I honestly don't know where I would be without you and I love waking up to your smiling face every. single. day.

No one will ever take your place Princess Bear. Watching you grow makes me so proud, but at the same time my heart aches. I can't believe you are 9 months now and seeing you so happy makes my heart melt. I cry a little inside every time you learn a new are growing up way too fast and I just wish time would stand still. I know you won't stay small forever and I'm thankful to cherish every moment that I share with you. 

I will do whatever it takes to provide the best life possible for you. You will grow up to be a smart, strong, and beautiful little girl! My love for you is like no other, and you will always be a baby in my eyes. I love you with all my heart, Little Angel Baby.

Always and Forever,


photography by Quinn Ung